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Love Purr-sonality Disorder? Sponsor Us!

Want to help out around SHS? How about sponsoring us? Ive got tons of space of awesome buttons and banners.

Large ad (Le Grand Papillon)- $15 

Perched high atop the sponsors list these pretty puppies will be most visible and highly sought after. Also if you would like,  I will do a feature post on your product/ blog/ what ever! 

Medium ad (Centered Cat)- $11

Nestled in the middle of the sponsors list these neat and nice medium sized banners will still be accessible and easy to see, just a bit less expensive then "Le Grand Papillon"!

Small ad (Pequeña Pupperoncini)- $7
Snuggled at the end of the sponsors list these little gems are ready to go. Small and stealthy but still easy to spot they will still get your point across!

All paid sponsor ads will be posted for 30 calendar days unless other arrangements are made and will be randomly rotated with in their sections. 
Larger ads (400 x 200) can be arranged, if interested please contact me directly.
Ready to rock and roll? I just need an image you want as your sponsor banner or a pre-made banner in the proper size, a link to where you want the click through to go to, and a paypal address to send the invoice to :)

Don't feel like or have anything to advertise but still want to help out? We always accept donations through our paypal! Every little bit helps!

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