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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dirt under her nails.

I always feel prettiest and most alive when I am covered in dirt, which seems contradictory but if you are an avid gardener then you know exactly what I am talking about.

Today was a massive replanting day for all my new succulents and for some of the older ones I have as well. After much research I have decided to make my own potting mix. I had been previously using miracle grow cactus, succulent and citrus mix, but there is too much peat in it and even mixed 50/50 with pearl-lite it still ended up giving 2 of my poor plants root rot, so out with the old and in with the new!

After much debate I have decided to concoct my new mix with the following ingridiants:
1/5 course sand
1/5 course pea gravel
1/5 pearl-lite
2/5 hummus & manure (completely composted)

I mixed up all my ingredients in a 5 gallon bucket and then proceeded to re-plant, re-plant, re-plant.

So far all my green (and pink and yellow and blue) babies seem to be very happy, but you never know, I will keep my eyes on them. What I like about this mix is it has enough weight to hold up my taller plants and so that if the pot get bumped it is no big tragedy.

In addition to this new mix I am also drilling drainage holes in each and every container I am using except for my rooting dishes, they are so temporary nothing will have drainage problems.  I find drilling drainage holes in plastic containers is the easiest. Most of my "pots" are actually dishes bought from various stores around town, and this time around I managed to come home with mostly plastic and only a few ceramic ones. Ceramic is more tricky but if you have patients and a cordless drill you can usually drill the holes in a large container full of water. I say usually because as with anything ceramic, some times it breaks. 

I will post an update later one to show every one how they are doing, I am very very excited about my Jade Plant, Elephant Bush, Pachyphytum oviferiums and of course my Jelly Bean Sedums!

Have a great weekend every one!

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