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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring is in the air!

Today was pretty fantastic (well aside from the hurricane force winds!) I was finally able to get out to visit my moms farm today and fraternize with my ducks and thousands of goldfish!

I do mean thousands by the way, I really need to make sure I get some sold this fall, as the pond is way over stocked. The ducks help a bit with keeping the population down, but each goldfish can lay 50 or more eggs, so 5 ducks don't make a dent really.

Speaking of ducks, there are 2 drakes now, so I am hoping that there will be far more baby ducks this year... I really love cute fuzzy baby ducklings, more then almost anything I can think of, except for maybe baby bunnies.

As I type I am eating a delicious salad of young dandelion greens, violet greens, baby spinach, baby red spotted romaine, one of the first tomatoes from the greenhouse, and green grapes that were on sale. It is beyond delicious.

Things will be back in full swing again around here soon, and hopefully a new job will be as well so I can procure a new camera for more gorgeous photos of snouts and sprouts!

My aquariums also are in full swing, including adorable baby bristle nose plecos and several new colors/ patterns of platies. Happily growing in front of my aquariums are also two new happy little plants I rescued that I believe are in the haworthia family (maybe Haworthia cuspidata and H. magnifica var. acuminata) They seem to be doing much better now that they have been liberated from their 2.5", very root bound pots and are now stretching out in their new shallow dish containers. I'm very excited this year about trying to get all my plants repotted in proper succulent friendly planters and letting them live out doors for as long as possible.

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