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Friday, April 13, 2012

Things I like. (I like too many things)

I'm starring at the rain right now listening to a mix of A.K.A.C.O.D, Leonard Cohen and Morphine, it a very mellow Friday the 13th. I have a phone appointment with the diet pill guru at 2, I shouldn't be mean, he could be a legitimately nice person and their products could be something I really could get behind, I will reserve judgement on weather this is really a pyramid scam or not depending on what he says today.

I have really been hitting the bricks on my blogs and my websites lately, something in my head just keeps saying, "just keep doing what your doing, it will work out for something." Leading me to shake my head and wonder what the something is. The main problem with my intuition is that it is so vague, rather then giving me a yes or no, I get a maybe, or a could be, or a possibly. Thanks me, that's a huge help.

Back to the blogging though, since I have been searching high and low to learn just about everything I can about anything blogging related, especially design because it is so difficult for me, I found a couple fantastic websites which if you blog you should check them out!

Makin' Cute Blogs

They both have fantastic tutorials, great information, cool graphics and are just generally awesome. They also have pretty rad freebies and some fantastic paid packets too for all your blogging design needs *drool*.

Also speaking of drooling (I am a bit of a slobberer if I don't make an effort keep it in check ha ha.) I am loving kale chips lately. I am sure if you have gone to any healthy food blog in the past few months you have seen the recipes. Let me tell you they are actually worth it, even my anti-vegitable roommate will devour them with the same gusto used to devour an entire bag of potato chips. I admit I am not a big fan of greens, they all taste like grass to me, and while I will eat a salad in the summer if there are tons of fresh fruits and veggies to add into it, I vary rarely just eat plain greens of any type. I urge every one to try them, I season mine with olive oil, pink sea salt, smoked black pepper and turmeric ( SO Spicy! YUM!) Kale aside, I also have been enjoying Erin Baker's Breakfast Cookies in Vegan double chocolate chunk and So Delicious dairy free coconut milk greek style strawberry 'yogurt'. I love it there is a dairy free yogurt option finally that tastes good. Thank you So Delicious! If you can't eat dairy but are craving yogurt, give this stuff a try, you won't be disappointed at all, and for those who hate coconut, you can't taste it at all. It tastes just like dairy yogurt, but milder! 

❥ Erin Baker's Wholesome Baked Goods

❥ SO Delicious

I just completely lost my train of thought. Drat. I suppose on t hat note I will go and make some kale chips for lunch.

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