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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The big 2...8...

Today is my birthday, I am officially now 28 years old.

Here is my birthday wish list in no particular order:
- Spumoni Cake
- Spumoni Ice Cream
- Breyers Lactose free Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
- Turkish Apple Tea from Whittard of Chelsea
- Small Hawkeye Gold Decaff Hot Latte
- Swiss Steak with a mountain of mashed potatoes
- A shar pei x basset hound puppy (or any cute floppy wrinkly puppy)
- of course a pony *sticks out tongue*

I am going to try to enjoy today despite the havoc the 2 plane rides yesterday wrecked on my system and my horrible sore throat.

Now on to my shower and then some awesome breakfast that I'll be making for my self *laugh*

Update: This may be my best birthday so far! My room mate got me skeleton key and slammin' salmon, I got a few awesome bday cards, Mom is making me swiss steak Tuesday when I go to visit (and maybe even the spumoni cake!) AND I got a call telling me to come in and talk about the job I interviewed on Wednesday! So Excited!

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