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Thursday, September 22, 2011

I can't think of a good post title.

I tend not to blog when I am depressed, and since I have been kind of sick and exhausted; I just haven't felt like writing. I feel like if I don't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say it at all.

There are a lot of things I should be doing: Finishing this blog layout, updating a couple websites I manage, figure out how to fix my face, trying to find ANOTHER job cause 2 just isn't enough apparently, trying to get into school again so I wont have to pay my student loan payments again for awhile, coloring and bleaching my hair, trying to get my aquatics business off the ground, cleaning my room, moving a bunch more stuff to the storage unit, rearranging my room. Ug. It seems never ending.

I'll just keep working I suppose and eventually everything will get finished, at least I hope it will.  Sorry about the lack luster blog. Hopefully ill be able to buck up soon. Sorry.

I also forgot to mention that since I am broke, I have been watching a lot of movies over and over again (which I am fine with) but I have been watching the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasis and I love LOVE LOVE the layering in that movie, it's fantastic and I love how there are so many pieces from different different cultures around the world.  It makes me want to go thrifting. Looks like it's time to draft the besty into going thrifting!

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