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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Greatest Rearrangement

Rearrangement? What kind of word is that? Fragment sentences too? This blog entry is off to a fantastic start!

Please let me start over, from the beginning. This weekend I am planning on trying to rearrange my room and by "my room" I mean the one room I mostly live in. It is 10 feet by 10 feet, has a vaulted ceiling on one side, contains the clothes of no less then 4 people (yet they are some how all mine), all my fish AND all my books, magazines and comics.

As you can imagine it is pretty much stuffed to the gills (please excuse my horrifying pun.) So I am trying to figure out ways to increase storage space while decreasing my furniture's foot print. I am trying to think up rather then out, since one wall in here is 12 feet tall.

Before you all start chanting "loft, loft, loft", sadly I have to extinguish your fire before it even starts (pouts). I have to sleep on the floor, for many reasons the main two being a. I roll out of bed a lot, by a lot I mean at least once per night, and it doesn't matter if I am 4 inches off the ground or 10 feet. Reason b. I just can't sleep up in the air. when I first moved here i spent a whole weekend building a loft and I was so excited about it, but after about 6 months of not sleeping worth a coin, I dismantled it and put my bed on the floor and viola, good sleep.

So this leaves me with very few options and the ones I have need to be extremely creative. I saw this cool blog someplace about making wall shelves out of pipes and plywood and they looked fantastic, but I need to find it back. Also I think I may get a very narrow rolling shelf set to put next to my dresser to hold my mailing and crafting supplies. that can be rolled out when needed and pushed back when its not. I actually love the idea of shelves on wheels, so much easier to move around. I also need to go through several baskets and get rid of stuff and list a bunch of bags and older clothes on ebay.

But i must figure out how to utilize that 6 foot by 10 foot space that just sits over my bed....



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