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Saturday, April 14, 2012


I joined bloglovin' today and signed up for an invite to pinterest (which makes 300% more sense to me then any other type of social networking, I am a very visual person so I love the concept and idea behind it. )

It should be fairly obvious to most of you I am still pretty new to the blogging scene, it doesn't really help that I can't narrow my blog down to specific things. I started this blog to try to help find myself, which it hasn't really helped much with, but it does give me a really great place to unload stuff that is on my mind (i.e. what is happening right now) I feel like part of the problem is my lack of social skills. I am beyond awkward in all social situations be it in real life or behind a computer screen. I have 6 friends in real life, 2 of them live across the ocean, one is my roommate, one lives 15 hours away and 2 live in my home town (which is 2 hours away). Online I don't really have any friends,  and this is not a "oh you should all be my friends I'm so lonely post" although having some online friends would be nice, it's just more of an exploratory post on why it's hard for me to get people to follow my blog I guess. I also want advertisers to help out with the costs of my blog, but with so many interests, and so few followers, who would bother. So I need to come up with a better game plan I suppose.

I need to redo my room, I planned onto moving my bed into my closet, but my closet is only 23 inches deep and my bed is 40 (which is weird cause I though twin sized beds were suppose to only be 29 inches wide) but, I am sure I will figure it out, maybe monday I will try to move things around. Part of the problem of sharing a house with some one is me being how I am, I don't want to move all my stuff in (partially because it is a teensy tiny house) but the stuff I do have I don't like it spilling into the other parts of the house so I just try to cram it all into my room. (why one entire wall is fish tanks.) I wish I could just have a personal mentor or something to help me with everything that I just can't understand. Then again I know the answers. I just can't get to the steps that lead me to them. Need more room get rid of stuff... ok BUT what stuff and how and where to? Again my brain is such a help. ug. Further awesomeness includes that I have an entire large 2 bedroom house all packed into a storage unit, including sofa, love seat, nice office, ect. but it is just sitting there because I can't make enough to even get a small apartment on my own, and even if I could I couldn't because of the foreclosure further ruining my credit. Yup. My life is the bomb.

Ok, ok ug, I need to stop. In more exciting news the diet pill pyramid scheme was not really a pyramid scheme... although it sort of was, they wanted 200 bucks to start up, which I don't have so it's back to blogging and trying to get SEO articles to write. Which maybe I will try to write a couple tuesday, I just get very apprehensive about doing new things I am green on, I never want to disappoint any one and while I am more then sure that I can do it, I have never actually done so, meaning there is a possibility that I could some how mess it up, you should see me closing at work, haha there are notes every where apologizing for things I may have done wrong.

I also remembered the end of my train of thought from yesterday. I was going to write about Desert Essence and Shea Moisture and their equally fabulous natural products of which I use both. If you walked in the bathroom right now (honestly you would probably cry and run screaming, I have been sick and thus have not been able to keep up with house keeping, BUT...) you would see a sea of lime greens, corals, salmons and teals with a few chocolate browns tossed in. I am very loyal to products that don't cause my skin to go into an all out revolt. To date I have found 4 companies that most of their products don't cause me to have to walk around hiding behind my hair or scarves; those companies being:

1. Aquage
2. Desert Essence
3. Shea Moisture
and finally
4. e-sen-cis by Samy

I have a horrible time finding products, and my roommate loves it because all the spoils are just handed off (which is a lot.) However I have been on a winning streak lately. Desert Essence thoroughly clean face wash is absolutely fantastic for my overly sensitive skin while still controlling my weird adult acne (I still have no idea why I suddenly started have acne problems at 28), also the tea tree facial cleansing pads are great for when I am too tired or in a place I can't bust out my face wash! I also use their tea tree and neem toothpaste and tea tree mouth wash (see a pattern here? My body really gets along great with tea tree so I'm sticking with it!) and while these are probably not for every one (they are fluoride free) for those of us who have a very low tolerance for fluoride (I can't drink tap water with out getting ill) or for those trying to avoid it because of it's possible carcinogenic properties, give these a try! Lastly I also use their Apple Ginger shampoo, but I mix it 50/50 with Shea Moisture's Coconut & Hibiscus Curl and Shine Shampoo, because on it's own it was a little too drying for my already very dry hair.

On that note, after seeing probably 56 online reviews of Shea Moistures various hair and body products I decided to wander on over to Walgreens and pick some up to try and I have to say I am not disappointed in the least, although the shampoo didn't get my hair as clean feeling as I like so thus is why it is perfect to mix with my Desert Essence shampoo. The repairing conditioner is great and I use it as a wash out, I think as a leave in it would just make my fine but fluffy hair a stringy, crunchy, mess. Lastly I have been using their eponymous "Curl enhancing smoothy", which my friends is fantastic and will most likely last me forever as I use about a 1/4 teaspoon sized glob once a week! I have read some times it makes hair crunchy, and yes it will, if you use a lot, but once I figured out I needed hardly any, my hair is soft and shiny and relatively frizz free (which just doesn't happen.)

As for Aquage and E-sen-cia, I use their plethora of hair styling products when I actually need to use styling products (which is rare but does happen.) I urge you to check out all these companies at the links below if you are into natural beauty, they are a bit pricy but I am happy to not have irritates skin so I will deal with it!

Oh! My I have been writing for over an hour! I had better go get ready for work! Opps! Have a great day!

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