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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Vegetables and New Tanks!

I want vegetables, more over I want vegetarian sushi or fancy onigiri. I have a craving and I think I may have to make it a reality tomorrow. I need to go grocery shopping any way. I have all these vegetarian/ vegan food recipes I want to make up and try, but between my bad tooth and the severe lack of time I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I wish I had some one to just cook me delicious healthy food. Oh it would be so yummy. I think tomorrow morning before I have to work I will go get groceries and make up kale chips, cauliflower poppers, veggie sushi and beef stew... maybe some stir fry.  Can you all tell I'm hungry?

Speaking of sushi and fish, I have one of the new tanks all set up. I need to drag the other one in and get it and the stand set up some place so my other tank can spread out a bit, all the baby plecos, guppies and platies need growing space. I am still very excited to get my outdoor tubs  up and going, but I am trying to not jump the gun and I have made a promise to myself to wait until the first of May to take any one outside.  I will be selling off quite a few fish too hopefully before I move the perfect specimens out to the tubs. I am really excited about getting the spotty wags, snow whites, and black velvets to all breed true. Also very excited about baby plecos growing up and being happy and chubby. I need more holding tanks.

Other then that nothing is really new. I have a broken tooth that is killing me, the cats all have spring fever, I need to spring clean like crazy, need to sort through storage unit and try to sell some stuff on ebay and craigslist.  Also have to get the 3 bloggers I have reworked and all fancy. See ya all later!

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