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Sunday, April 8, 2012

I forgot in my previous post to write about how I found the perfect bag. I am always that girl you see struggling with 3 or 4 bags and a box of stuff, just always. Laptop bag, camera bag, purse, and some times a lunch bag, which I must say is very annoying. You can understand my excitement yesterday when I found the Clover bag by Epiphanie! It holds a 15 inch laptop, a large DSLR, a couple extra lenses and of course wallets, keys, glasses, lip glosses and other personal goodies! All my bags sans my lunch in one bag? Not to mention the fact it is stylish and looks like a purse and couple double as an over night bag in a pinch?! YES PLEASE!

This bag could be the most amazing thing I have encountered since sliced bread.
The price point is a bit steep, but seeing that some women I know routinely spend $200 on fancy bags (I am not one of those woman sadly) I think it wouldn't be too much of a stretch since it will eliminate all my other bags!

If I do manage to save up enough to get one of these their will be a review of it's awesomeness in very short order! Until then you should check out all their other bags (especially if you are a multi bagger like myself!) here.

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