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Friday, May 11, 2012

Evolution of a blog.

Hi guys!

Long time no blog (not really but not every day either!) Hope you are all doing fantastic. I am actually having a pretty good week so far (which is exciting!) Lots going on around here where to start, where to start.

I suppose I will start at the title of this post. When I first started this blog it was with the intention of writing about green/ organic/ healthy/ natural pet products, and although I felt and still feel very strongly about it, it is not something I can write about with any reliability, and so started the evolution on snouts heart sprouts. As it stands today I mostly blog about random events in my daily life, products I really adore, and of course my critters.  I have decided because of this I probably have a rather diverse set of readers, so I am going to make a bar for easier navigation between subjects for those of you who only follow me to ready certain posts *grin*

Another thing, no one comments. I am not sure if this is because of language barriers or because my followers have nothing to say, but I would love to know who you all are :)

Lets see what else did I want to blog about?


Gearing up for some serious summer fish tubbing! My mom gifted me her 169 gallon stock tank to use as one of my fish tubs, so it will be fantastic for growing out my baby plecos, although I am not sure what other fish I might put in them, maybe see if there is another kind of platy I would like to try to raise? I would love to get my hands on some peppermint platies, however I may just do an experiment with the red wags I have and maybe some of the snow whites and see what happens.  Back to the tubs though, I will have 3 small 25 gallon round tubs and the one gigantic stock tank, hopefully with my next paycheck I will be able to afford all the stuff I have in my cart at I also still have to get a pond liner and probably 4 or 5 bags of sand to dump in the bottom of the stock tank before adding the liner, and then all the plants. Wooooey! I'll love all of it though, I always do!

Last but not least there is a now pallet from Sigma BEauty I am lusting over that I will write a separate post about most likely tomorrow!

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