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Saturday, May 19, 2012


Just thought I would share a few horrible pictures of the plecos (babies and adults.) There seem to be more and more babies every couple of weeks. Glen is starting to hang out by Manny's cave, so I am waiting for some weird stand off, Manny would easily win, Glen is so small still. Still no pictures of the little new Marble plecos, I have 2 hang one half gallon breeder boxes though so hopefully there will be pictures very soon!

Enjoy! (sorry they are out of focus and full of reflections as usual. I promise once I get the fish tanks all moved and new lighting rigs plus the DSLR from my dad they should be at least 89% better)

Glen cleaning one of the sponge filters I am seasoning for the outdoor grow out tank!

Remember the pleco who was stuck? This is him! twice as big and full of bristles.  We decided to name him Stu.

A random baby and a smaller baby and some snails. I like that you can see the white tips on their fins. All the brown babies have them.

Another action shot of Glen. He is getting so feisty. I need to move him down to the other bachelor tank with Stu.

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