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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Well your a fish monger... or well I am, actually.

I thought tonight I would post some pictures, although, they are horrible quality because my camera still hates me and my lights are too high above the tanks and make horrible refections because they are not focuses enough on just the tanks... HOWEVER, they say it is the thought that counts, so I am trying to count, or wait *laughs* or something.

Any way please keep in my there are 5000 things wrong with these images but I just thought I would try to show my fishes, because honestly the most people look at the post about my panda centric aquarium, which sadly still isn't a reality but it is getting closer to being a reality.

What you lookin' at fool? Prometheus in his normal cranky stance... er ,um, float.

Baby bushy nose plecos nomming some summer squash (which even after blanched still floats, thus the clamp)

King Diamond being inquisitive.

Albino bushy nose long fin baby... and a dried water drip, the water hear is liquid limestone :/

A couple ink in milk ladies and a dalmatian tuxedo investigating wearily.

More pleco babies nomming.

A flurry of activity, fish move far too much.

Monkey Face, hopefully the part of my foundation to my black velvet or monkey face platies.

A panda and a snow white girl floating about.

Cherry shrimp and MTS. 

Another cherry cleaning a moss ball.

Very dusty tank outside, bit a month old pleco baby on the left and a week old baby on the right. 

A blue and a pink ramshorn snail conversing over dinner maybe?

Male panda guppy (who I think I was swindled on, I am guessing he is a half black) ink in milk platies, snow white platies, and a couple tuxedo platies.

Actual in focus ink in milk platy!

2 snow white platies and a couple panda platies.

King diamond throwing his weight around... gosh he is fat. Ill be happy to get my betta only condo set up this fall!

Little monkey again being all adorable.

High fin red wag, bleeding heart, and wag bleeding heart platies eating algae wafers.

Fatty bleeding heart and a juvenile white tailed red calico platy again attacking algae wafers.

Assassin snails assassinating some earthworm sticks.

Prometheus generally being fat and lazy.

Zippy my only remaining yoyo loach checking out he camera from a safe distance.

"Who Me?"

High fin and bleeding heart and the wafers again.

Mama Kiara and a baby. 

Kingo swimming about.

Ink in milk, tuxedo, and panda platies.

Again I apologize for the horrible quality of these photos. Until I get a better camera and better aquarium lighting it is the best I can do.

Hope you all enjoyed them and any questions can be sent to my email as always.

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