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Monday, April 30, 2012

List of Fish!

I know this is sort of moot with out pictures, however I thought I would post what I have right now in fish and inverts incase any one is looking. I am very passive right now on selling fish, I will start being more active in May/ June.

What I currently have:
Panda Guppies
Bleeding Heart Platies
Tiger Twinbar Platies
Red Wag (standard and hi fin) Platies
Gold Wag (standard and hi fin) Platies
Red Tailed White Calico Platies
Spotty Wags (Gold, Red, Orange bodies with black wag fins and black dalmatian spots)
Dalmatian Platies (Some blue some white)
Ink in Milk Platies
Panda Platies
Red Tuxedo Platies
Gold Tuxedo Platies
Calico and White Seam, Long and Short Fin Bristle Nose Plecos
Cherry Shrimp
Assassin Snails
Blue Ramshorn Snails
Pink Ramshorn Snails.

What I am working on:
Black Velvet Platies (think black molly but in a platy)
Snow White Platies (totally white with blue eyes and rosy "cheeks")
Creamsicle Platies (orange and white in some capacity)

I also am looking to add more, I enjoy separating tanks by color (weird I know) so I am constantly looking for new live bearers and shrimp/ snails to add. I am really looking forward to doing fish tubs this summer also, It will be much easier to over haul all my tanks if they are empty!!

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