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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mile's Island

Happy Sunday Kittens!

I was planning on blogging yesterday, however there was a quick but intense storm that knocked out power for 8 hours, but I will tell you more on that later. 

Every Saturday the pups and I (and usually my room-mate) pack up and head to one of my favorite little hiking spots and wander around for a few hours enjoying the great outdoors. On our last excursion I was talking with my room-mate about a flotilla of lilly pads on the Maquoketa River and then I realized it was actually plants and a rather large sand bar was exposed!

Being the sea monster I am at heart, Miles and I ran down as fast as our legs would carry us and we dubbed the sand bar "Mile's Island." As luck would have it, this week it was still there and I remembered my camera this time! 

We splashed around and Maddie was actually so happy she even attempted to play with Miles. Sadly likes was completely exhausted by that time, but never the less a good time was had by all! As I was wandering around looking at the tiny schools of minnows Miles was attempting to eat, I came upon the find of the century (well at least for me!) A fox jawbone, with all it's adorable little teeth still intact even! I just had to take a picture of it, as the night before I was on e-bay searching mounted animal skulls to put on the wall in my room once that project gets under way. 

After the pups had both had enough, they headed up the trail and of course we followed. The walk back to the car for the most part was extremely uneventful, until Miles saw another "dog". The dog was in fact a deer, and let  us get quite close until Miles unholy caterwauling was too much for it's poor ears' to stand and it bounded off into the trees.

At this point it is still all sunshine and fluffy white clouds, the drive home was fantastic, the pups slept the entire way, there was a cool breeze, and Rattle Trap (My ancient Subaru Forester) didn't even see fit to act up.  Upon walking in the front door, tornado warning sirens started blaring, well that is odd I though as the sun was still shining and all the clouds were just as fluffy and as white as they had been all morning. I texted my bestie and made a crack about the darkness coming and Silent Hill and then dismissed it as a weird test. Fast forward 15 minutes, 60 MPH wind gusts, black skies, sheets of pouring rain and thunder the actually made the pups cower (they usually could care less about thunder, fireworks, other loud booming noises), and then it happened.

The power went out. 

The power was out for 8 hours.

8 frakking hours. 

Now all over most of the city that made sense, trees were down and of course so were power lines, but next to our house 1 tiny branch had fallen and it was no where near a power line. While I was waiting for the power to come back on, I bought a couple monster high dolls to try to customize, bought a bag of rocks for the bottoms of the remodeled fish tanks, ate at Village Inn (which did have power), and arranged tanks and filled the newly caulked ones. 

All and all a decent day even if it was an inconvenience to not have power. Today was entirely devoted to moving fish to new tanks and moving the big tanks to the basement with the rest, however the is a post for tomorrow. For now I am going to drink a nice warm cup of decaf grog and get ready to snuggle into my bed.

NIght night Kittens!

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