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Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's been a LONG time!

Some times I get over whelmed with everything and I just can't write. So, with that in mind I know that it has been a long time since I have written here, but spring is about to sprung... (you all know what I mean) and that means I am coming out of my winter depression and hibernation and getting all geared up for gardening season, fish sending season, and spring cleaning season!

I have been spring cleaning a lot already, there is still tons and tons to do, including completely cleaning out my roommates garage and the basement where I will be moving once it is finished out! The garage is just sort of a nebulous pit for everything that isn't wanted in the house, so I have my work cut out for me, but I am optimistic and if things work out then going through the garage will be the best way to get out to my HUGE garden I am planning out, so it will get done, also it will be nice to have a place for some of the things that are now living in the front entry way, like the boot tray and reusable shopping totes.

I wish I could write more but my head is getting foggy fast (one of the benefits of fibromyalgia), so I will take my leave. I am much more active on Pinterest and Tumblr, so if you would like to see more of me feel free to seek me out there using the little buttons on this page.  If not stay tuned and I promise I will make an effort to update more often!

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