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Friday, August 26, 2011


I need to find a catalyst. That probably sounds confusing but I need to be able to start moving forward with my life. I wrote out a plan last night to try to help my self a long, and a very strict budget, which I will hate and will most likely throw me into a terrible fit of depression but I will try my darnedest to stick to it.

I had wanted to go to dog grooming school, and a part of me still does, but the part that doesn't knows the constant barking will give me terrible head aches and the fur schnipsuls will make me even more itchy then I already am, not to mention being on my feet all day, close to standing in one place....

I am leaning more and more toward photography every day, not for people but for animals. The biggest problem being I don't think it would really provide a very large or even moderate income for me.  I know my best strength is working with animals, quickly followed by working with plants, so it seems logical that I should try to find something having to do with one or both of those. A farm is the logical thing, BUT that is quite a few years off and I will still need to have a second career to pay the bills (and sweet lord do I have bills!)

So, I am at a loss and kind of just floating in the aether wondering what I should do. It is the most horrible feeling.

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