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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ever the Updater.

Good morning comrades!

(It seems right now my largest readership is in Russia so "Большое спасибо!!" to everybody there who has been reading.)

I don't really know much Russian other then please and thank you, however I have been wanting to learn both Russian and Italian for quite some time now.  Once my life is back on some form of track I plan to pick up a copy of rosetta stone so I can start doing nightly lessons.  

Actually part of why I would like to either learn how to write SEO articles (ok, so technically I bought a book and it said how to write them, but it just seems too simple. I have to be missing something.) Or really just have any job I can do anywhere from my computer, so I can travel some times and see new places. Speaking of SEO articles I was going to try to work more on updating the look of the blog today and then trying to wrangle a couple little SEO gigs for myself. Yesterday I had the good fortune of dropping my phone into a puddle, so I could use all the extra income I can wrangle, when did phones get so expensive? I really want an iPhone 4s, I like most things apple, and most likely not for the reasons you may be thinking. While I do appreciate the beautiful product designs, I actually am devoted to them because their products actually hold up to my horrible abuse. I have had the same 1st gen iPod touch for going on 5 years now, and my little Macbook Pro for I am guessing nearly 3 or 4 years now and both still run like the day I got them, which for me and technology is outstanding.  I would just be pleased to have an older generation iPhone, however, the 4s is the only one with siri and since a good chunk of my time is spent driving, the idea of talk to text is really appealing to me. 

Back to SEO writing, it seems like the perfect fit for me. Unlimited income potential, can do it form anywhere where internet is present. It could easily help me get out of this hole I am stuck in. Actually that is part of why I started working so hard on blogging, so I could use it as a reference. I think that I am a fairly competent writer.  Of course, like most people I am best when writing about things I am truly passionate about, but I have written some fairly long essays in my time (I mean like 40 some odd pages) about subjects for school I could have completely cared less about (hello there sobriety and abstinence in western cultures... I mean what kind of weird, preachy, class is this even? So of course my paper got a C as I butted heads with the whole thing, BUT I was passionate about one thing, I hated the class, so I guess I can even be passionate about things I dislike if I dislike them enough for it to make me annoyed.) The point here is I just need to over some my fears and get to work. 

I do really enjoy blogging, I will enjoy it even more when I can start posting photos again. I think photos really help anything really, it just makes it more interesting, to me any way but I am an extremely visual person. Oh, that reminds me I LOVE pinterest as much as I thought I would! I am still getting the hang of it but so far it is fantastic and has given me all kinds of ideas, including trying to do "Starvin' Saturdays" here, where I will be posting about food or nutrition related stuff. I absolutely adore cooking although I am limited to what I can do here as the kitchen is horribly laid out and I don't have a full sized oven (tiny countertop convection ovens for the win!). It won't stop me though, I'll try  to make some fantastic things!

In other news the room rework is in the works. I moved my bed into the closet and it really is 40 inches, which means it is folded in half more like a sofa which for right now is fine but it can't stay in there forever, so I need to try to rework my plan again. I'll figure out something. 

Today I am going to be working on banners for fishy fridays and starvin' saturdays, and like I said working more on  the looks of the blog as well as finishing my diamond order for the comic book store and trying to make more progress on my room. I totally just have WAY too much stuff. 

Well ladies and gents, I should finish this up so I can work a little bit on my SEO page and then get to work doing all the other things I should be doing today. Have a fantastic tuesday!

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