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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Revamp and obsession.

Morning all!

What do you think of the blog overhaul? I am liking it so far, I am still by no means done with it, but it is getting closer to what I see in my minds eye.  I am still pretty new to the whole blogging experience, but I am learning new tip and tricks every day and I feel like I am making progress. I meant to post a "health & wellness wednesday" post yesterday but I got caught up doing a couple signs for Record Store Day for work (one of my jobs is at a record store, and record store day is this saturday 4-21) so by the time I could have posted it was 3 AM and I can't ever write anything that makes sense that late, so I decided to wait until today. (Here are the signs if you are curious:)

Speaking of health and wellness, I am eating breakfast while I type which is weird but I am making it work. I am eating my normal "girl in a hurry" breakfast today which consists of 2 blueberry multigrain waffles topped with natural peanut butter and sliced bananas, a container of Stoneyfield's O' Soy strawberry yogurt (they have been out of the yummy SO Delicious strawberry coconut yogurt since the first time I found it *frown*) and a cup of coffee with 8th continent complete vanilla soy milk. It's high in protein and fiber and easy to eat while doing other things (ie blogging *laugh*) any way, back to my original point, I was planning of talking about something yesterday health and wellness related and I kind of came up short. I thought, "think of all the awesome new recipes you have found... oh, but haven't had time to try to cook them yet.. drat." So, in leu of that I am going to talk about my current obsession with the smell of my Shea Moisture conditioner and my never ending quest for the perfect perfume.

It, for me any way is pretty much the quintessential perfect fragrance for me any how. It is vaguely floral and somewhat sweet but with the perfect amount of spice and musk to balance it out. Well, thats all well and good, unfortunately the ingredient panel has been less then helpful, it says it is scented with honeysuckle. Then a little led came on in the back of my mind, "Oh! They make lotions!" so zoom, off I speed to Walgreens and stake out the lotion aisle, and... nothing. What? Where is it? So then I wander around and finally find some in the baby aisle, which is fine my skin hates everything. I crack open a bottle that is labeled chamomile, frankincense and myrrh, inhale excitedly, blink a couple times and then disappointedly put the bottle back on the shelf. It smelled like skittles, definitely not what I am looking for. Much like beauty products I battle with my body about perfumes pretty often. My body is not a fan of fake fragrances, I can't even use most fabric softeners unless they are unscented. Not to mention I will not dish out hundreds of dollars for perfume, I just won't. So here is the list of perfumes I have used over the years.

ages 14 to 18: Custom Vanilla, cinnamon, tea oil blend my mom and I would make together, it was delicious but the cinnamon really irritated my skin and people were always asking what I had baked.

Ages 18 to 23ish: Patchouli, orange and clove oil. It gave me the musky, earthy notes I constantly crave and didn't make my skin hate me too much, but I just sort of out grew it.

24 was when I started really experimenting with store made perfumes, what can I say I am a late bloomer and I can't stand cloying or sweet smells. Tried several, all kind of just fizzled. I settled on Bath and Bodyworks Breathe Comfort 'warm vanilla milk' scent and I still have that bottle. It is good and is sprayable.  I also used their cherry blossom scent, but it dries down to a horrible cat pee-esque smell on me for some reason on certain days, so that is long gone.

26 to nowish- My arsenal is comprised of Victoria Secret's 'amber romance' spray and Woodsmoke & Vanilla Perfume oil from Firebird Bath and Body on Etsy. I like both but I am not a fan of the dry down on the amber romance and I really love the smell of the WS and vanilla, but its a roller ball and I am not a fan of that sort of applicator, so that brings us up to date. I do have a tiny bottle of Flowerbomb for when I need to smell lady like, but I am not a big fan it was a gift.

So all that brings me back to where I started and what I plan to do. I am going to attempt to make my own custom body sprays. One that is honeysuckle, agran oil, frankincense and myrrh and one that is vanilla, blackberry/ black cherry, caramel, sandalwood, musk and amber. I'll document the process and let you all know how it works out. If it does; it will be fantastic, if not, well I'll have to start making soaps or something to use up all the oils I'll be buying *laugh*

 I had better get moving though, I need to get those posters for record store day printed out and actually make my self look like a member of the human race. Oh and put on some purfume!

See you later Lovelies!

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