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Monday, April 30, 2012


Happy May Lovelies!

I am sick today for some reason (I slept until 5 pm) but I am feeling a bit better now so I thought I would blog since I can remain sitting and it's fairly non-strenuous.  Tomorrow I will start my new work out regimen I am hoping; it is all based on body resistance which is something I am a firm believer in, especially since I can't run or basically do anything else with much impact because of my wonky joints and now my stupid metataraliga in my foot reappearing. I think it should be fairly easy to stick to as most of it can be done laying down, and what isn't is still very yoga based so I will won't be doing anything too strenuous.  My plan is to combine the 3 workouts below in some form:

Prevention's "Love your Lower Body Workout"

Whole Living's "6 Core Truths" Workout

Blogilate's "R.I.P. for Arms and Abs" Workout

I am not sure how I am going to rotate them or work them together, but I'll get it all straightened out. I look forward to having my old body back with in a month or two.

What else is going on? I ordered a new airbrush to do my face make-up with from Dinair. I am extremely excited for it to show up. It will be great if it makes my skin look as flawless as it says it should. Although to be completely honest I will just be happy if it can cover my under eye circles. I'll probably do a review once I get it. I really like the idea of only putting 4 or 5 drops of water based foundation one my face rather then glopping a ton of foundation on with a sponge that feels like a mask and makes me itchy.

Dinair Airbrush

In fish related news, still no sign of Manny but these seems to be a few teensy tiny baby plecos skittering about, so maybe he is just guarding a new nest some place. I am really looking forward to getting my tubs set up and it being warm enough outside to get them up and going. I think all the fish will enjoy being all spread out a bunch more, also I will enjoy being able to finally paint my bedroom and get everything all rearranged. I am hoping to be able to put up my ebay auctions up by the end of the week, although free comic book day is saturday so we will have to see.

I suppose that is all for today. Hopefully the auctions will be able to get me enough for a new camera. Then at least I will have some photos on each blog to oggle.


There was a Manny sighting tonight, I am so ecstatic h is ok, although a bit on the skinny side. I think I need to find him a vacation home, so he can get a little break from being a daddy.  Anyone have an albino male short fin bristle nose pleco of breeding age for sale?

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