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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vacation wishes and Carol's Daughter macadamia intrigue.

Last year the Mister was kind enough to take me with him on a tour of some of Europe (bless his heart for being patient enough to be stuck in a foreign country and a ship with my horrible, completely social awkward, stubborn, panic prone butt for 2 weeks) and because I am stuck in the hole I am stuck in right now I have been craving any type of vacation, and of course the internet is rubbing salt in my wounds by showing me all sorts of stuff spain related. Example: Beers and Beans review of Casa Gracia in Barcelona. How in gods name did the Mr. and I not know about this when we were in spain? Ug. It's perfect. Of course we did spend out time on land in some amazing hotels, although one had a bed that was less comfortable then the floor. Or how about this example of a Low Carb Tortilla (Traditional Spanish Potato and Egg ommeltte)? I just want to escape. Vacation where are you? Oh that's right you are hiding in some mythical reality where I actually have a bank account with money in it. Gotcha.

Anyhow in other news, while I was bounding around the internet today, realizing how hopeless my fashion sense or lack of one is, I found out that Carol's Daughter has a new Macadamia heat protection line out. How did I not know about this? My hair loves all thing macadamia related, I used up every last drop of my macadamia oil and if it weren't so insanely costly I would still be using it, once I have normal income again I am pretty sure I will be using it again.  I am really anxious to try it out. Any one have any reviews up? Is this stuff any good?

I had better get going off to work, late because I was blogging doesn't seem like a very good excuse!

1 comment:

  1. I like your story very much Ellyse. As you know that job person have no time to wonder here and there. So they can spend only one vacation with their family in a year. Anyway thanks for sharing.
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